lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012


The most talked about and anticipated event on the CSYC calendar is the Caribbean Convention whose presumed date is March 23rd, 24th and 25that a campsite in Cienfuegos under the theme “Explore the Caribbean”

This three day event will definitely assist us in achieving the most important of our objectives, which is to educate persons or to bring about awareness on Caricom, taking into account the countless number of countries with student delegations not affiliated with the Caribbean Community in our universities.

‘Explore the Caribbean’ will adapt various characteristics of Carifesta and each participating country/delegation will be assigned a booth to display their art, craft, music, food, products of export, literature, etc to the estimated six hundred students from most of the Latin American, African and Caribbean countries expected to be present at that event.

The Haitian Delegation has been awarded an exclusive segment in this activity, where the students will be presenting a seminar to the audience about their history, culture and most importantly, to talk about their resilience to the series of unfortunate natural disasters that rocked the island last year. Cienfuegos has been selected as the province of choice for that event based on its excellent geographical location and atmosphere to ensure full participation of students in all 14 provinces.

This convention is currently in planning and it is expected to be completed with explicit details by the first week of February.

Allotted spaces for students according to their universities to attend the Caribbean Convention

University/Hospital Allotted # of participants

ELAM 1/Baracoa 250 {Baracoa has over 1200 students from all over the world including the United States}

Victoria de Giron/Calixto Garcia 100

University of Havana 100

Sports School 50


Other Provinces 50

Important! This distribution is subject to change.

1st draft of the program for the Caribbean Convention 2012 in Cienfuegos
Friday March 23, 2012

Departure Time from Havana to Cienfuegos: 1:00pm Sharp
Departure Point: The Caribbean Association of Cuba {ACC}
An estimated number of 12 Trans Tour Buses will be available to facilitate safe and comfortable transport.

Students participating in the convention who will be travelling to Cienfuegos from the other provinces will have to guarantee their own transportation.

All participants must be at the ACC 1 hour before take-off.

Arrival in Cienfuegos: 5:00pm

Distribution by affinity to cabins 5pm-6pm {4 persons per cabin}

Official opening: 6:30pm-7:30pm
*March Pass with all Flags of Caricom and Cuba
*Mini Cultural Program
*Welcome Remarks {President CSYC}
*Brief Review of the activities to be unfolded at the 3 day event {Chairman}
*Special Quest {remarks by the President of the group of Caricom Ambassadors}
Dinner: 7:45pm-9:45pm
Indoor games for the remaining of the evening {Cards, Dominoes, Chest etc}

Saturday 24th of March, 2012.
“Explore the Caribbean”
8:00am-10:00am- Breakfast
10:00am-1:00pm- ‘Explore the Caribbean’ commences with the booths of participating countries on display while enjoying soothing Caribbean music. Prizes will be awarded to the best booth on display for innovation and creativity taking into account the limited resources available or lack thereof.
1:00pm-2:30pm- Caribbean Lunch {true Caribbean food that will definitely tantalize your taste buds and remind you of home}
2:45-3:45: Haiti’s exclusive segment/seminar titled “Haiti, we are still standing”
3:45pm-5:00pm- Recess
5:00pm-8:30- Inter-Country Outdoor Sports competition {tug-a-war, volleyball, lawn and table tennis, athletics, basketball, football, cricket etc}
8:30pm-9:30pm- Recess
9:30pm-11:00pm: Dinner
11:00pm-madrugada: Caribbean Soca Party.

Sunday 25th March, 2012
8:00am-10am: Breakfast
11:00am-12:30pm: closing ceremony, announcing of winners of the sport games, the delegation with the best booth etc.
12:30pm-2:00pm- Lunch
3:00pm: departure from Cienfuegos to Havana.

Each student participating is asked to pay $8 CUC to cover his/her transportation, lodging and food expenses.

Deadline for the submission of names to participate in this event is February 15, 2012 to the Secretary of the CSYC.

It is advisable that students arrange themselves prior arrival in Cienfuegos by affinity in groups of 4. This will make it easier for us at the time of allocating the cabins.

The executive body of the CSYC will not be held responsible for any lost of personal belongings.

CSYC strongly cautions all students not to bring any item of value on their person.

Students participating are asked to walk with their eating utensils just in case the Campsite has a short supply.

The price mentioned earlier could suffer mild modifications depending on the fares being offered by Trans Tour Operations around the date stipulated for the Convention.

Since the food that will be served at the convention is strictly Caribbean, CSYC is currently arranging 6 cooking teams of 10 members each to undertake this heavy task, who will be working along closely with the cooking staff of the campsite.

If for any unforeseen reason the convention has to be suspended, all universities participating will be informed of the changes.

Important! As soon as the program is completed, each Embassy of the Caribbean Community will receive their formal Invitation either electronically or by mail.

It is also anticipated that each embassy support their delegation in this convention.

Letters will also be sent to the direction of the participating universities for their awareness and permission.

One of the proposed menu for Saturday 24th March, 2012
Fried eggs & sausages
Chocolate or Strawberry Tea
Fresh Fruit {banana, pine, apple, watermelon, etc}
Caribbean/Seasoned Rice
Baked/Pot Roast Chicken
Roti & Pumpkin
Creamed Potatoes
Vegetable Salad
Fruit Punch
Ice Cream
Fried Fish
Vegetable Salad
Macaroni salad
Slice of fruit cake
Fruit Punch

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